Notable Cases

Homicide & Serious Crime

Overview | Expertise | Notable Cases


Naeem has lent his expertise to more than 50 terrorism cases and 40 homicide cases, frequently drawing the attention of both national and international media outlets. His work has been featured in prestigious publications and news channels such as BBC News, Sky News, ITV News, The Times, The Independent, The Guardian, and various tabloids, underscoring the significance and impact of his legal contributions.

Terrorism & National Security Case

R v Harry Vaughan (2020) - Suspended Sentence for Neo-Nazi

Following pleas of guilty to 14 terrorism offences and 2 offences relating to indecent images, Naeem Mian KC secured his client, Harry Vaughan, a two-year suspended sentence in a hearing at the Central Criminal Court.Vaughan was prolific online and hid behind a series of aliases. He uploaded self-made propaganda images to a neo-Nazi website promoting the now-banned terrorist organisation Sonnenkrieg Division. He also possessed - and posted online - a series of weapons and explosives manuals. Read the media coverage: Sky News | BBC | The Guardian | Evening Standard

R v R (2018): Sentence Reduced for ‘Royal Family’ Terrorist

The Appellant, Husnain Rashid, had his sentence reduced at the Court of Appeal from 25 years to 19 years. He was convicted of calling for attacks, including upon Prince George’s school. Read the media coverage: The Independent | BBC News | Sky News | The Independent | The Guardian | The Times

R v R (2018) ‘Royal Family’ Terrorist

Rashid was charged with six terrorism offences including preparing to carry out offences of terrorism in Syria, assisting others to commit acts of terrorism and encouraging others to commit acts of terrorism on the UK mainland including calling for Prince George to be targeted at Thomas’s Battersea primary school in south-west London. Read the media coverage: Sky News | The Guardian 

R v O (2018) Caution for Teen Terrorist

O was prosecuted at the age of 16 for terrorism offences that he was alleged to have committed when he was 14. This case was only the third occasion on which a terrorism trial has been conducted in the Youth Court. Following detailed written submissions, Naeem’s client was offered a conditional caution (after 1 year) thereby avoiding a trial and potential terrorism conviction. Reporting Restrictions Apply.

R v H (2018) Acquitted of UK Bombing

Naeem secured the acquittal of H after he was alleged he had been planning a bomb attack on UK mainland. The evidence against H included extensive communications with a number of individuals based overseas, various documents on bomb making and messages from L to others suggesting that he wanted to die as a martyr. Read the press coverage: Daily Mail | The Express

R v I (2017) Terrorist Framing Family

The Defendant attempted to frame his brother-in-law as a terrorist and paedophile after his arranged marriage broke down. In revenge, he set up fake social media profiles in the name of Mohammed Razaul Karim that aimed to depict the innocent man as an Isis supporter, bomb plotter and child molester. Read the media coverage: The Independent

R v J (2017) Terrorism Retrial after Hung Jury

The Defendant was convicted of preparing acts of terrorism after being caught in a covert police operation. During his trial, the Old Bailey heard he wanted to join the Islamic State to rid himself of “evil spirits”. The jury were hung in the first trial. He was convicted in the retrial. Read the media coverage: BBC News | Daily Mail

R v Zeb (2017) ‘Glorifying Martyrdom’

The Defendant pleaded guilty to distributing terrorist material via WhatsApp to Humza Ali, who was later convicted of attempting to travel to Syria to join Isis. He received a sentence of 21 months imprisonment. Read Media Coverage: ITV News | BBC News

R v J (2017) Hung Jury in Terrorism Trial

The Defendant was convicted of preparing acts of terrorism after being caught in a covert police operation. During his trial, the Old Bailey heard he wanted to join the Islamic State to rid himself of “evil spirits”. The jury were hung in the first trial. He was convicted in the retrial. Read the media coverage: BBC News | Daily Mail

R v Kahar (2016) Sentence Reduced in Terrorism Guideline Case

This became the guideline case for Sentencing in terrorism cases. Ziamani’s sentence was reduced from 22 years to 19 years. Read the Judgement: Judgement. Read the media coverage: ITV News | Evening Standard | Daily Mail

EB v SSHD (2016) Terrorism Prevention & Investigation & Measure

Challenge to procedural matters in TPIM. Read the judgement: Judgement.

SSHD v EB (2016) Terrorism Prevention & Investigation & Measure

Naeem is one of a handful of barristers nationally who acts for individuals subject to TPIMs. Notices are issued by the Home Secretary against individuals whom the Home Secretary suspects of being involved in terrorism or terrorism related activity. Heard in both open and secret session, they invariably concern matters of national security and human rights. Individuals against whom such Notices are imposed, are subject to anonymity, strict measures and relocation. Read the Judgements: Judgement

R v Diini (2016) Acquitted of Travel to Syria

Diini had been charged under s. 5 of the Terrorism Act 2006, which makes it an offence to engage in conduct in preparation for giving effect to an intention to commit acts of terrorism. He was alleged to have attempted to travel to Syria to fight for so-called Islamic State. He had been found attempting to leave the UK in the back of a lorry in April 2015 with three other men, one of whom later pleaded guilty to an offence under s. 5. Naeem secured an acquittal for Diini after a 5-week trial. Read the media coverage: The Guardian | BBC News | The Telegraph | Daily Mail

R v Aras (2016) IS Fighters in Iraq

Allegation that the defendant, along with others, made concerted efforts to travel to Syria/ Iraq in order to fight with IS. Read the media coverage: The Guardian | BBC News | ITV News

R v Ziamani (2015) Soldier Beheading

Allegation of being concerned in the preparation of a terrorist attack. Allegation is that the defendant was planning to attack a member of the armed forced at an army barracks in the UK. Read the media coverage: BBC News | The Guardian | The Independent | ITV News | The Telegraph

R v S (2015) ‘Five Star’ Jihad Brothers

Allegation that the defendant and his brother were intending to travel to Syria to fight/ commit acts of terrorism. Their brother Iftikhar Jaman, who had previously travelled to Syria and had died in battle, spoke of ‘Five Star Jihad’ in Syria. Read the media coverage: BBC News | ITV News | The Telegraph | The Guardian | The Mirror

Guardian News & Media Ltd v AB (2014) Anonymity & Secret Trial

Challenge to unprecedented decision to anonymous the defendants and hold terrorism trial in secret. Judgement

Guardian News & Media Ltd v Incedal (2014) Secret Terrorism Trial

Landmark media challenge to the decision to hold the trial of two terror suspects in a secret trial at the Old Bailey on grounds of national security. Read the Judgement: Judgement. Read the press coverage: The Guardian

R v Msaad (2014) ‘ISIS Ji-Hottie’ Acquitted

Allegation of being engaged in terrorist funding. The defendant was a British student studying at University. She was stopped at Heathrow with €20 000 in her underwear which was allegedly destined for terrorists fighting in Syria. Following a trial at the Central Criminal Court, she was acquitted. Read the media coverage: The Guardian | BBC News | ITV News | The Independent | Channel 4 News

R v AB & CD (2014) Secret Terrorist Trial

Unprecedented terrorism trial held mostly in secret. Involved appeal by the press to the Court of Appeal. Read the media coverage: The Guardian | BBC News | The Telegraph | The Times

R v A (2014) Suspended Sentence for AQ Manual & Training Camp

Multiple allegations of offences contrary to section 58 and conspiracy to attend a training camp. Defendants were two young brothers whom the Crown accepted had been ‘groomed’ and radicalised by their older brother in law. Case involved extensive use of surveillance evidence. The Defendants received suspended sentences. Read the media coverage: BBC News

R v Ali (2014) Terrorist Material

Multiple allegations contrary to section 58. Case concerned the Defendant being a member of a proscribed organisation and possessing material likely to be of use to a terrorist. Read the media coverage: BBC News | Dailymail | The Guardian

R v Barnes (2014) Glorifying Terrorism

Multiple allegations of inciting terrorism overseas and ‘glorifying terrorism’. The case involved extensive use of media including Facebook and focused on glorification of the murder of Drummer Lee Rigby. Read the media coverage: BBC News | The Independent | The Guardian |

R v Alom & Others (2013) Terrorist Plot

Allegations of planning a terrorist attack and conspiracy to attend a training camp. The defendant was an ex- special constable. Case involved extensive surveillance evidence. Read the media coverage: BBC News | The Guardian | The Independent

SSHD v CD (2012) Control Order

Imposition of a Control Order. Read the judgement: Judgement

R v K (2012) Husband & Wife Terrorists

Husband and wife alleged to have been planning a terrorist attack in the North of England. Read the media coverage: BBC News | The Telegraph |

R v Ali (2012) Al-Shabab Funding

Allegations of being engaged in terrorist funding. The defendants were alleged to have been involved in funding their brother and others who were alleged to have been fighting with Al Shabab in Somalia. Read the media coverage: BBC News | The Guardian | The Independent | Daily Mail

SSHD v CD (2010-2012) Control Order

Control Order in the High Court. Allegation of involvement in an attempt to launch ‘Mumbai style’ attack in UK. Involved use of secret evidence. Read judgement: Judgement

R v A & Others Terrorist Attack Planning

Allegations of preparing for terrorist attacks contrary to section 5. The case involved a number of individuals allegedly planning a terrorist attack on the UK mainland. Whilst the specific target had yet to be identified, the level of preparation was well advanced. The case involved extensive use of evidence from the security services.

R v K Fundraising for Middle East

Allegations of being engaged in fundraising for a terrorist purpose. The case against the defendants involved fundraising for individuals allegedly involved in terrorist acts in the Middle East. The case relied on the extensive use of surveillance and banking evidence.

R v K & Others Jihad in Iraq

Allegations of inciting terrorism overseas. The defendant was alleged to have been involved in inciting individuals from the UK to join ‘jihad’ in Iraq. The case involved the extensive use of Facebook and other social media.

CD v SSHD (2011) Control Order

Challenging relocation as a measure imposed by the Control Order. Judgement

R v K & K (2011) Attack Planning

Allegations of preparing for acts of terrorism and possessing terrorism related material. The prosecution sought to prove a ‘terrorist mind-set’ by relying on a vast amount of literature and other material found in the possession of the defendants. Coupled with extensive probe material, the prosecution alleged that the defendants were in the early stages of planning a terrorist attack.

R v CD (2011) Acquitted of Control Order Breach

Allegation of breaching a Control Order. In only the second contested prosecution of its type ever to be brought, the defendant was charged with 15 counts of breaching a Control Order contrary to the PTA 2005. An Old Bailey jury unanimously acquitted the defendant on counts 1 and 2. They were unable to reach verdicts on the remaining 13 counts and were discharged. The prosecution chose not to seek a re-trial on the 13 counts. Read the media coverage: BBC News

SSHD v BG (2009-2011) Control Order

Control Order case where the allegation was that the Appellant had/intended to attend a terrorist training camp and/or fight abroad. Read the judgement: Judgement

R (Patel) (2010) JR for 7/7 Bomber’s Wife

A judicial review was made on behalf of Hasina Patel, the wife of 7/7 bomber, for legal aid for representation at the Inquest.

R v CA (2010) Control Order

Challenging the imposition of a Control Order and subsequent relocation as part of the measures package. Read the judgement: Judgement

R v S (2009) Retrial Acquitted of 7/7 Bombing 

The defendant’s were jointly charged with Conspiracy to Cause Explosions With Intent To Endanger Life (the 7/7 bombings of the London transport system which resulted in the deaths of 52 people – Operation Theseus). at the retrial in 2009, ‘S’ was acquitted. Read the media coverage: The Guardian | The Independent | NY Times | Al Jazeera

R v S (2008) Hung Jury in 7/7 Bombings Trial

The Defendants were charged with the London 7th July bombing of the London transport system. The jury having been unable to reach a verdict in h the first trial in 2008.

R v M (2008) Terrorist Material

Allegations of possessing terrorist related material. The defendant had what amounted to a library of prohibited material including various editions of Inspire Magazine and lectures from a variety of extremist ideologues.

R v H (2008) Iraq War Fundraising

Multiple allegations of being engaged in fundraising for a terrorist purpose. The defendants were alleged to be members of a proscribed organisation. The case involved the extensive use of ‘mind-set’ evidence illustrated by reference to publications and other media.

Homicide & Serious Crime

R v Z Acquitted of Murder

Retrial of16 year old “Snapchat killer” charged with murdering his uncle by stabbing him 3 times in the head. The defendant recorded his uncle as he lay dying, added commentary and published it on Snapchat. The jury unanimously found the defendant not guilty of murder.

R v H Acquitted of Murder

Retrial. Client acquitted of murder. H was one of 8 youths charged with murder. The case concerned two rival gangs. During a confrontation in Gloucester, a youth was stabbed multiple times. H and others were recorded on CCTV. H did not give evidence in his own defence.

R v Downes Acquitted of Unlawful Act Manslaughter

Unlawful act manslaughter. Mr Downes was alleged to have poisoned a woman whom he had met via a dating ap’ by administering an “end of life” pain killer.

R v Senia Acquitted of Murder, Convicted of Manslaughter in Retrial

Acquitted of murder. Convicted of manslaughter in retrial The jury were hung on manslaughter. Two rival groups met in a Sheffield street to resolve a dispute concerning a car. What followed was a fight in which a number of individuals could be seen carrying knives and attacking people. The entire incident was recorded on CCTV.

R v Khan & Others Acquitted of Murder & Attempted Murder

Appeared on behalf of Arbaz Khan. Client acquitted of murder and attempted murder following a “revenge attack” in Bradford town centre. The attack was recorded on CCTV showing the Defendant holding a machete standing over an individual on the ground.

R v Joseph & Others Acquitted of Murder & Attempted Murder

Client charged with murder and attempted murder arising out of two separate shootings on the same night. Client acquitted of murder and attempted murder. Co-defendant guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment with minimum term of 35 years.

R v Z Jury Hung on Murder

16 year old “Snapchat killer” charged with murdering his uncle by stabbing him 3 times in the head. The defendant recorded his uncle as he lay dying, added commentary and published it on Snapchat. The jury were hung - unable to deliver verdict.

R v Senia Acquitted of Murder

Acquitted of murder. The jury were hung on manslaughter. Two rival groups met in a Sheffield street to resolve a dispute concerning a car. What followed was a fight in which a number of individuals could be seen carrying knives and attacking people. The entire incident was recorded on CCTV.

R v H Jury Discharged in Murder Case

Client acquitted of murder. H was one of 8 youths charged with murder. The case concerned two rival gangs. During a confrontation in Gloucester, a youth was stabbed multiple times. H and others were recorded on CCTV.

R v Haile Acquitted of Murder & Manslaughter

Naeem Mian QC, was instructed on behalf of Tedros Haile. Mr Haile was charged with murdering his brother by stabbing him 7 times (twice in the back), in his flat during lockdown. Naeem was required to cross-examine two prosecution witnesses who were in the same room at the time of the attack, the pathologist as well as various police officers. The trial lasted approximately 3 weeks. The jury unanimously acquitted Mr Haile of all charges including both murder and manslaughter. Read the press coverage: BBC News | Evening Standard

R v Ghilani Acquitted of Murder

Appeared on behalf of Sifean Ghilani. It was alleged that he had conspired with his three co-defendants to rob the victim, a known drug dealer of Class A drugs. Mr Ghilani admitted stabbing Mr Pentelow through the chest and killing him. Before he died, he told witnesses “they got me”. Despite the co-defendants blaming Mr Ghilani for “deliberately” stabbing Mr Pentelow, Naeem Mian QC secured a verdict of not guilty to murder but guilty of manslaughter. Despite their attempts to blame Mr Ghilani, both Mr Patel and Mr Thomas were also found guilty of manslaughter. Read the press coverage: BBC News

R v Liang Reduced. 5 Year Sentence For Initial Murder Charge

Represented Yongqi Liang, a student at the University of Sheffield. Both Mr Liang and his friend went drinking. They started fighting during which his friend died. The whole incident was recorded on CCTV. Mr Liang fled the country but was arrested in Germany and extradited back. He was charged with murder.Following lengthy negotiations with the prosecution, Mr Liang pleaded guilty to manslaughter. Following submissions made by Naeem, Mr Liang was sentenced to 5 years for manslaughter. Read the press coverage: ITV News | BBC News | Daily Mail

R v Obaze Shooting of Teenager

The Defendant was accused of shooting a teenager dead after enquiring where he was from. He was shot with a sawn-off shot gun. Read the press coverage: The Independent | BBC News

R v Patrice Acquitted of Murder Attempts

The defendant, Michael Patrice, was acquitted of two counts of attempted murder, in a case where he was alleged to have rammed two gun-wielding men off their motorbikes. He was the only defendant to be acquitted. Read the media coverage: Examiner Live

R v Edusi Acquitted of Murder

The Defendant, Edusi, was alleged to have been identified on CCTV as stabbing the victim who was laying in the ground and had already been stabbed 13 times. He was acquitted of murder and found guilty of manslaughter. Read the media coverage: BBC News | The Independent | Metro

R v Imran Axe Attack Murder

The Defendant was accused of murdering the deceased with an axe and hiding his body at a cemetery in Ilford. Read the Media Coverage: BBC News | Evening Standard

R v J Guilty of Violent Disorder, Not Murder

The Defendant was charged, together with others, of attempted murder. Following lengthy negotiations with the Prosecution, Naeem managed to secure a plea guilty for one count of violent disorder in exchange for the Prosecution dropping the charge for attempted murder. Reporting restrictions applied due to young age of defendants.

R v Dodd Acquitted of Murder

19 year old James Dodd was acquitted of murder, manslaughter and violent disorder, following a trial lasting 11 weeks. Dodd was one of 7 defendants charged with murder and violent disorder arising out of a fatal attack on February 2017, which resulted in the death of 17 year old Liam Hunt. Naeem’s client was the only defendant to be acquitted of all charges. Read the media coverage: BBC News

R v Omotoso Acquitted of Murder

The Defendant who stabbed a father to death on a busy high street while his seven-year-old daughter was buying sweets was acquitted of murder. He was convicted of manslaughter. Read the media coverage: ITV News | The Guardian | Dailymail

R v R Gangland Money Laundering

VHCC. The Defendant was alleged to have laundered vast sums of money for criminal associates. Following an initial guilty plea, the case was re-opened. Read the press coverage: Manchester Evening New

R v R & Others Turf War Murder

Revenge murder with gang related background. The case arose out of a long running feud between rival gangs involved in drug dealing and engaged in a ‘turf war’.

R v O & Other Rush Hour Execution

Murder of a car driver in rush hour traffic. The case involved multiple young defendants allegedly linked to a gang based in the Hackney area of London who mistakenly identified the victim as a rival. The case involved the extensive use of cell site and forensic evidence. Read the media coverage: BBC News | Evening Standard

A Selection of Reported Cases

Khan, R. v [2022] EWCA Crim 1487 (25 October 2022) 
([2022] EWCA Crim 1487; From England and Wales Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) Decisions)

EB v The Secretary of State for the Home Department [2016] EWHC 137 (Admin) (29 January 2016)
([2016] EWHC 137 (Admin); From England and Wales High Court (Administrative Court) Decisions)

CA v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2010] EWHC 2278 (QB) (10 September 2010) 
([2010] EWHC 2278 (QB); From England and Wales High Court (Queen's Bench Division) Decisions)

The Secretary of State for the Home Department v EB [2016] EWHC 1970 (Admin) (29 July 2016) 
([2016] EWHC 1970 (Admin); From England and Wales High Court (Administrative Court) Decisions)

Guardian News And Media Ltd v AB & CD [2014] EWCA Crim (B1) (12 June 2014)
([2014] EWCA Crim (B1); From England and Wales Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) Decisions)

Williams, R. v [2020] EWCA Crim 193 (06 February 2020) 
([2020] EWCA Crim 193; From England and Wales Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) Decisions)

Karolia & Ors v R. [2021] EWCA Crim 1839 (06 December 2021)
([2021] EWCA Crim 1839; From England and Wales Court of Appeal (Criminal Division)

Guardian News And Media Ltd v Incedal & Anor [2014] EWCA Crim 1861 (24 September 2014) 
([2014] EWCA Crim 1861, [2014] HRLR 28, [2015] 1 Cr App R 4, [2015] EMLR 2; From England and Wales Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) Decisions)

CD v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2011] EWHC 1273 (Admin) (20 May 2011) 
([2011] EWHC 1273 (Admin); From England and Wales High Court (Administrative Court) Decisions)

Secretary of State for the Home Department v CD [2011] EWHC 2087 (Admin) (29 July 2011) 
([2011] EWHC 2087 (Admin); From England and Wales High Court (Administrative Court) Decisions)

BG v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2011] EWHC 1478 (Admin) (13 June 2011) 
([2011] 1 WLR 2917, [2011] ACD 87, [2011] EWHC 1478 (Admin), [2011] WLR 2917; From England and Wales High Court (Administrative Court) Decisions)

Kahar & Ors, R v (Rev 1) [2016] EWCA Crim 568 (17 May 2016) 
([2016] 1 WLR 3156, [2016] 2 Cr App R (S) 32, [2016] Crim LR 670, [2016] EWCA Crim 568, [2016] WLR 3156, [2016] WLR(D) 267; From England and Wales Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) Decisions